
Ports, Harbors & Waterways

Unlocking Opportunities for Improved Efficiency, Cost Savings, and Environmental Benefits

Ever-increasing ship sizes and traffic volumes drive the world’s economy, in many locations stretching the capacities of navigation channel dimensions and port infrastructure.

The economic, societal and environmental implications of port operations are significant. As the central gateway for trade, ports are located at the confluence of terrestrial and marine environments, and often border crowded urban areas. The variety of harbor and channel conditions is extensive, as are the opportunities to achieve integrated cost savings, safety improvements and ecosystem services through informed design. Lally can assist ports in seeking out and implementing these opportunities.

Our staff of waterway engineers, environmental scientists and dredging experts provide specialist knowledge to achieve successful port, harbor and waterway project outcomes.

Global services we offer from our offices in North America, Europe and the Caribbean include;

Lally LLC offers an extensive range of port, harbor and waterway planning services for both new developments and reconfiguring existing marine infrastructure. We are specialists in the planning, engineering and project management of capital and maintenance dredging projects, breakwaters, jetties and habitat enhancement projects.

Specific port and waterway planning-level services we offer include;

Specific Engineering-phase services Lally LLC offers to the Ports, Harbors & Waterways sector includes;

As former employees of North American and European dredge contractors, Lally LLC has technical and management experience with a range of hydraulic cutterhead, dustpan, trailing suction hopper, clamshell and backhoe dredges working on hundreds of port and waterway improvement projects.

We can efficiently collaborate on projects as Owner’s Representative, Project Manager, or 3rd Party Advisor to manage risks, resolve project technical and contractual challenges and achieve optimal dredging performance.

Specific dredging contractor experience Lally LLC offers to the ports and waterways sector includes;

Ecosystem goods and services produce the many life-sustaining benefits society receives from nature. In the context of dredging and marine infrastructure projects, this involves the realization of the ecosystem benefits that will be lost and those created by these large-scale developments.

Since the 1990s, Lally has been applying Nature-based coastal engineering and dredging knowledge to develop solutions that maximize the ecosystem services benefit-to-cost equation. Innovation and Sustainability is at the heart of our approach.

Ecosystem Service-related experience we offer the Port, Harbor and Waterway development sector includes;

As independent consultant or member on multi-disciplinary team, Lally is often called to serve on projects requiring specialized coastal, environmental or dredging engineering expertise. In these capacities Lally LLC has been hired by governments (U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency), industry clients, engineering firms, environmental consultants, marine contractors, and NGOs.

Related to port, harbor and waterway developments, our firm’s professional staff has also served in 3rd party roles on expert panels charged with review and formulation of port engineering designs and dredged material management for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers harbor expansion and channel improvements projects on both the U.S. East and West Coasts.

Practical Expertise