SEABI TM Seabed Interaction Model and Dredge Tool Engineering System by Lally LLC. Patent Pending.


Marine Equipment Design

Innovation with Impact

The complex marine projects we serve often require advanced, mission-specific technologies and approaches to succeed.

Lally LLC provides a range of innovation expertise across the coastal/ocean engineering, dredging and environmental sectors. Through 35 years of hands-on experience, and independent investments in R&D, we have pioneered several marine equipment designs and construction approaches, as well as software systems used to analyze and perfect them. Several new innovations are currently in our R&D lab, soon to advance marine project performance, protect the environment, and save significant capital.

Our coastal engineers, dredging experts and software developers provide specialist knowledge to advance the industries we serve as well as emerging markets. Specific marine technology areas we have contributed innovations and are currently working on include;

Our typical R&D process involves;

Lally LLC has invested in advanced computer design and modeling systems, both off-the-shelf commercial systems, and several built in-house to support our work.

Some of the types of software we employ and develop include;

Software Type Commercial In-House
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Dredge and Marine Equipment Positioning
Bathymetric and Survey Processing
3D and 4D Mapping and Geospatial Analysis
Grading, Cut & Fill Optimization
Hydrodynamic Modeling
Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling
Vessel Wake Model
Propeller Wash Models
Wave and Coastal Processes Modeling
ADCP Data QA/QC and Analysis
MetOcean Data Analysis
Dredge and Capping Quality Assurance
Sediment Sampling Data Management and Analysis
Geostatistical Interpolation
Dredge Design and Performance (Spillage, Pump and Pipeline, Rock Cutting, Soil Jetting)
Dredged Material Disposal Fate
Water Quality Monitoring
Pier and Dock Designer
Geotechnical Modeling and Soil Mapping
Slope Stability
Contaminant Fate and Transport
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Structural Finite Element Analysis

Lally LLC personnel have practical field experience with the following types of dredges and equipment;

Specific Dredging Engineering services we can assist with include;

Deep-Sea mining is the term applied to processes and technologies designed to collect mineral-rich resources, such as polymetallic nodules, from the deep seafloor. These resources are potential sources of important metals like manganese, cobalt, copper, nickel and rare earth elements, which are soon to be needed in massive quantities in order to build renewables-powered economies as a key component in the fight against global warming.

Lally LLC has been studying the working environments for deep-sea mining, nodule collection, and see the primary potential problems as;

Lally has over 3 decades of experience solving similar problems in the field of environmental dredging, and sediment processing, directly applicable to these challenges. We are in development phases of solutions, both technologies and approaches, that aim to reduce environmental impacts and energy consumption, by an order of magnitude. while yielding production rates enabling business case viability.

From our offices strategically located along the North Sea, U.S. Atlantic and Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean, Lally LLC Offshore / Coastal Engineers offer specialist experience and resources to assist the Blue Energy sector as it evolves internationally. Our engineers and scientists are equipped to expand boundaries for installation, O&M, and decommissioning.

We are trained in offshore hydromechanics, motions and loading of structures in waves, energy technologies and storage, advanced dredging techniques, risk management, building with nature, and numerous other related specialty areas to be able to assist with development of safe and reliable offshore energy technologies and projects, with particular attention on protecting the environment.

Specifically, we have expertise and capabilities in;