Market Intelligence and Contracting Support
Business-critical Knowledge helping our Clients Succeed
Lally LLC supports clients at each stage of planning, development and operations. Since 2008, we have quietly helped our clients build for future growth through a unique portfolio of due diligence, engineering and construction services.
With broad U.S.-based maritime experience, and international network of dredging and marine contractors, regulators, academics, technology suppliers and field services, Lally LLC offers clients critical market intelligence and contracting support where and when needed.
Examples of Lally LLC’s Market Intelligence and Contract Support work include;
- Assisting a U.S. Midwest marine contractor expand their operations to U.S. West Coast with sector market intelligence, project opportunities and acquisition / partnering candidates.
- Assisting an international sediment processing contractor expand its North American footprint via partner introductions in the dredging, marine construction and A/E consultancy sectors.
- Assisting a dredging and marine contractor enter the environmental remediation sector on one of the largest sediment cleanup projects ever undertaken through participation and guidance across all stages of the project; contract review, proposal contributions, work plan development, and multi-year project construction.
- Assisting a large A/E consultancy with technical approach and credentials for EPA Region 2 environmental restoration involving large-scale creek dredging and capping.
- Assisting a marine contractor successfully expand their dredging fleet with sector market and technical intelligence, project opportunities and acquisition candidates.
- Assisting a large A/E consultancy with technical approach and credentials for Great Lakes Legacy Act environmental restoration IDIQ contract to enter broader sediment remediation market.
- Assisting a large A/E consultancy with technical approach, credentials, proposal development, engineering design and construction implementation of Thin-layer Capping and Enhanced Natural Recovery project for Environment Canada.
- Assisting an international NGO with planning, program administration and hosting of a technical conference.
- Assisting a marine contractor expand their understanding of emerging federal environmental regulations governing dredging and disposal operations to better protect the environment and aid in technology investment decisions.
- Assisting an international remediation contractor with planning and administration of a technical conference and demonstration.
- Partnering with larger A/E consultancies at the requests of Federal and State Agencies to improve technical knowledge at specific sediment remediation and coastal engineering projects.
- Expert Witness litigation support to legal team for marine contractor client regarding misappropriation of business confidential information by former employee and completing contractor.
- Numerous site reconnaissance assignments for various clients including U.S. and international marine contractors, A/E consultancies, federal regulatory agencies (i.e. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, USEPA), and NGOs.

Lally LLC is often requested by U.S. and International clients to provide market intelligence and emerging trends studies for varying marine-related sectors. Our expertise and research areas have included dredge technology, sediment remediation, marine construction, environmental regulations, coastal engineering, and other fields of interest.
Applying knowledge in several marine sectors along with current and forward-looking research, Lally LLC has developed several industry databases, reports and recommendations for clients whom have used the information successfully to enter new markets and/or advance their existing positions.
Specific intelligence work we have accomplished for international public and private clients includes;
- Market Studies
- Funding Research
- Acquisitions Research
- Joint Venture / Partner Search
- Emerging Technologies Studies
- Environmental Regulations Research
- Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Placement Studies
- Site Selection Studies
- Contaminated Site Forensics
- Multi-Criterial Alternatives Analysis (MCA)
- Equipment / Technology Databases
- Production and Cost Databases
- Reports
- Infographics
- Presentations
- Recommendations
Companies and stakeholders intending to undertake a large-scale dredging, marine infrastructure, or offshore renewable energy project frequently require an independent third party to conduct technical due diligence assessment in order to identify potential risks.
Lally LLC global due diligence services provide value to owners, investors, contractors and other stakeholders in ensuring critical technical project requirements are assessed, and potential issues and mitigation measures are identified. Our due diligence reviews are tailored based on project type and client requirements to focus on technical aspects of the project including;
- Site Selection
- Engineering Design
- Equipment and Technology
- Required Production Rates
- Schedules, Budgets and Cashflow
- Contracting Vehicles and Arrangements
- Environmental Conditions
- MetOcean Workability Windows
- Regulatory Permitting and Stipulations
- Site Conditions (e.g. Geotechnical, Environmental, Cultural)
- Human Health & Safety
Lally LLC reviews also often encompass site reconnaissance, subcontractor / vendor audits, equipment inspections, construction surveillance and completion verification. We are thorough and detail-driven to minimize risks and achieve value for our clients.
From our offices in North America, Europe and the Caribbean, Lally LLC provides dredging and marine construction contracting support to a wide range of clients including contractors, owners, port managers, home-owner associations, consultants, and other stakeholders on an independent, project-by-project basis.
The range of Contracting Services we have experience with and offer includes:
- Field Investigations
- Contract Plans & Specifications
- Determination of Optimal Contracting Methods
- Estimating
- Project Manual Development
- Early Contractor Involvement
- Procurement Support
- Pre-Bid Meeting Administration
- Pre-Bid Meeting Attendance
- Proposal / Tender Evaluation
- Contractor Selection
- Construction Startup
- Construction Oversight
- Environmental Compliance Monitoring
- Payment Requests and Contract Administration
- Dispute Resolution / Expert Witness Services
- Agency or Public Meeting Representation
- Contract Review
- Team Building
- Site Reconnaissance
- Tender Response and Proposal Writing
- Subcontractor Identification and Specifications
- Work Plans Development
- Technical Expertise
- Construction Optimization
- Workshop / Conference Planning and Management
Whether to assist contractors preparing successful bids, or owners and consultants requiring realistic project schedule and budget projections, Lally LLC has extensive experience and the resources needed to build or contribute to detailed production and cost estimates for most dredge project types. Our estimates can resolve to a unit cost (i.e. $ per cubic yard, € per cubic meter), are accurate, independent, and maintained as confidential.
We have Estimating and Operations experience with following equipment types;
- Hydraulic Cutterhead Dredges
- Hydraulic Dustpan Dredges
- Trailing Suction Hopper Dredges
- Derrick Barges
- Backhoe Dredges
- Precision Mechanical and Hybrid Dredges
- Sediment Processing
, and Project Types;
- Beach, Barrier Island and Wetland Restoration and Nourishment
- Channel Deepening, Widening and Maintenance
- Contaminated Sediment Removal and Capping
- Berth Deepening and Maintenance
- Marina and Residential Dredging
- Reservoir Dredging
- Lagoon Dredging
- Offshore Mining
- Special Projects
- International
- Remote

Lally LLC offers the following services to assist contractors and project owner’s estimate their projects more accurately and avoid risks;
- Pre-Bid Site Characterization
- Hydrographic and Marine Geophysical Surveys
- Geotechnical Explorations
- Digital Sediment Mapping
- MetOcean Studies
- Volume Estimates
- Equipment Selection
- Equipment Design and Engineering
- Production Models
- Mass Balance Calculations
- Breakout and Cutting Force Estimation
- Estimating Cutter Production
- Estimating Jetting Production
- Suction and Discharge Production
- Slurry Mixture Estimation
- Wear Analysis
- Workability and Downtime Estimates
- Sailing Speed Estimates
- Production Limit Analysis
- Dredge Bucket Design and Modeling
- Spillage / Residuals Estimation
- Plume, Fate and Transport Modeling
- Bottom Placement Footprint Prediction
- Water Quality Prediction
- Scheduling
- Cost Models
- Sensitivity Analyses
- Unit Cost Calculations
- Market Conditions Evaluation
With considerable experience as both a marine contractor and engineering consultant, Lally LLC is often approached to provide marine technology, dredge operations and project engineering expertise to assist in resolving lawsuits and claims. We generally accept cases that have merit and when we can help settle matters fairly through contribution of fact-based professional opinions.
As expert witness, John Lally, P.E. (Lally) has helped resolve marine-related disputes totaling more than $350 million in claims. The cases have ranged from construction claims covering project performance, costs, unforeseen conditions related to subsurface geotechnical and debris characterization, dredge material volumes, inspection and oversight; misappropriation of business intellectual property, to wrongful death related to hazardous utilities, project planning, engineering and operations. Lally has supported owners (e.g. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), dredging and marine contractors, and consultants as clients, and works with the necessary efficiency and integrity these important cases require.
As a part of dispute resolution teams, Lally has been requested by attorneys to conduct time-critical review of relevant project details to establish the facts of a case, perform field investigations, interviews, construct timelines, and other detailed document and data analysis, in order to develop the strongest opinion reports and testimony. Lally LLC’s GIS, CADD, and 3D modeling capabilities are well regarded and can yield infographics, simulations and other demonstrative aids necessary to convey complex mechanical and operations evidence for consensus and resolution.
We employ latest technologies, and can write specifications for, manage and process relevant field data collection campaigns (i.e. remote sensing surveys, equipment surveys) along with complex data analytics to better inform deliberations.
Expert Services Provided
- Contract Plans, Specifications, and Document Review
- Expert Opinion Reports, Depositions and Testimony
- Owner – Contractor Claims Negotiations
- Bid Evaluation
- Market Intelligence
- Site and Equipment Inspections
- Dredging Forensics TM
- Timeline Reconstruction
- GPS Data Analysis and Positioning Reconstruction
- Hydrographic and Remote Sensing Data Analysis
- Project Operations Reporting Analysis
- Production and Cost Analysis
- Development of Infographics, 2D and 3D models
- Witness Identification and Interviews