Project Performance
Helping Clients Fulfill and Exceed Expectations through Performance Optimization
Perhaps more than any other sector, dredging and marine construction offers infinite opportunities to save (or lose) vast sums of capital. Experience on both sides of the equation, Project Engineer and Contractor, is required to realize the greatest savings. On complex interdisciplinary dredging and marine construction projects, Lally LLC stands apart in its ability to locate opportunities, optimize efficiency, and minimize project risks.
We have found significant improvement opportunities, from tender phase through construction, generally falling into technical (i.e. project engineering design, equipment selection and methods), operational (i.e. effective time, management) and contractual areas. Having worked on over 1,000 dredging and marine construction projects as engineer, owners’ representative and contractor, Lally delivers field-proven consultancy services on numerous types of dredging projects and equipment.
From our offices in North America, Europe and the Caribbean, Lally LLC dredging engineers provide project owners, contractors and consultants, independent dredge and marine construction performance support through the following core services;
- Site Reconnaissance
- Project Management
- Project Engineering
- Tender Review and Planning
- Geotechnical and Subsurface Investigations
- Contaminated Sediment Sampling and Analysis
- Topographic, Intertidal and Bathymetric Surveys
- Mapping and Visualization Services
- Volumes and Quantities Analysis
- Production Engineering
- Effective Time Analysis
- Dredging Process Analysis
- Dredged Material Processing and Disposal Analyses
- Construction Oversight
- RTK-DGPS Positioning Systems
- Dredge Guidance and Automation
- Environmental Safeguarding and Enhancement
- 24/7 Worldwide Support

Successful dredging and marine construction projects require significant preparation. Experience shows thorough and accurate site characterization studies are required in order to achieve optimal project performance.
Lally LLC offers a range of site data acquisition, analysis, and visualization services to define physical properties, bathymetry and environmental conditions. We conduct digital soil mapping and workability windows analyses in order to select best equipment approaches and develop accurate production and cost estimates.
These services can be completed through site reconnaissance and field investigations, as well as desk studies, to bring needed clarity during the planning and bid phases.
We offer the following planning and estimating services worldwide;
- Site Characterization Planning
- Sampling and Analysis Plans
- Bathymetric Surveys
- Beach, Surf Zone and Wetland Surveys
- Sediment Coring and Surface Sampling
- Geotechnical Investigations and Laboratory Testing
- Chemical Sampling and Analysis
- Geophysical Investigations
- Borrow Source Characterization
- Hardbottom and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Delineation
- Debris Identification
- Mapping and Visualization Services
- MetOcean Data Collection and Statistics
- Workability Windows Analysis
- Beneficial Use / Building with Nature Technical Assessments
- Volumes and Quantities Analysis
- Production Estimates
- Cost Estimates
- Data Analytics
- 2D and 3D Visualizations

Lally LLC is passionate about dredging technology and performance. We see opportunities in all dredging projects, find efficiencies and assist in realizing improvements in such critical areas as Production, Accuracy, Water Management, Spillage Control, Environmental Protection, and Safety.
Whether on the dredge, project site or remotely, specific dredging engineering services we can assist with include;
- Hydraulic and Mechanical Dredge Design and Engineering
- Innovative Technology and Working Methods Development
- Pontoon Design
- Propulsion Design
- Estimating Suction and Discharge Production
- Pumps, Drive Systems and Pipeline Systems
- Rock Breakout Force Calculations
- Cutterhead and Teeth Selection
- Jetting Production Estimating and Equipment Design
- Jet Nozzles and Orientations
- UXO and Debris Management Design
- Dredged Material Placement Design
- Rock Placement Equipment Design
- Advance System Selection and Design
- Amphibious Equipment Selection and Design
- Mechanical Bucket Design
- Barge and Barge Dewatering System Design
- Equipment Wear Estimates
- Turtle, Crab, and Marine Mammal Exclusion Devices
- Turbidity Reduction Systems and Working Methods
- MetOcean Analysis for Operating Conditions and Workability Windows
- Hydraulic and Mechanical Dredge Optimization
- Overall System Production Optimization
- Efficiencies Assessment
- Working Methods Guidance
- Conventional and Precision Dredging Prisms and Target Files
- Sediment Spillage / Residuals Minimization
- Dredge Control and Automation Systems
- Flow Control and Density Gage Installation and Monitoring
- RTK-DGPS Positioning Systems
- Telemetry Systems Integration
- Designing Equipment for Subaqueous and Emergent Placements
- Sustainable Design of Subsea Mining Equipment
- Design of Reclamation Areas and Sedimentation Basins
- Environmental Compliance Monitoring
- Sedimentation Rate Assessment
- 24/7 Worldwide Support

When it matters most, during construction, Lally commits to improving dredging performance.
We can efficiently collaborate on our clients’ important projects as sole-source independent consultant, or embedded as part of an interdisciplinary team. In these capacities Lally LLC has been contracted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, leading international dredging contractors, engineering firms and environmental consultants to help review project performance and offer ways to make improvements.
Project Performance services we carry out include;
- Dredge Equipment, Systems and Methods Training and Guidance
- Construction and Project Management
- Dredge Prisms and Target Files
- Dredging Accuracy Evaluations
- Topographic, Surf zone & Bathymetric Surveys
- Production Evaluation and Optimization
- Effective Time Analyses
- Dredging Process Analyses
- Dredged Material Processing and Disposal Analyses
- Placement Evaluation and Optimization
- Dredgeability Analysis
- Underwater Inspections
- Slope Stability Analysis
- Volumes and Quantities Analysis
- Minimizing Environmental Impacts (e.g. Turbidity, Emissions)
- Safety Improvements
- 24/7 Worldwide Support

To facilitate dredge and marine construction performance optimization work, Lally LLC often employs a range of real-time measurement, advanced telemetry and remote monitoring systems. Examples include;
- Data Telemetry Systems to Monitor Dredge Position and Production Metrics
- Dredging and Capping Progress Monitoring (DREDGEPACK, Trimble, Teledyne, Custom)
- Machine Control for Excavator Dredges
- Sediment Monitoring from Dredge Cab
- Post-Dredge Spillage / Residuals Measurement using advanced techniques
- Slurry Transport Measurements (e.g. Densities, Flow Rates, Line Velocities)
- Sediment Processing Monitoring (e.g. % Solids, Screening Cut Points, Floc Dosing)
- Cap Material Carbon Amendment Monitoring and Measurement
- Bathymetry and Laser Scanning Integration with Dredge Positioning
- Hopper and Ullage Measurements
- Hopper Overflow / Green Valve Monitoring
- Water Quality (e.g. NTU, TSS, DO, Plume) Monitoring by advanced methods
- Quality of Life (e.g. Sound, Light) Monitoring
- Rapid Post-Dredge and Placement Survey Mapping for Acceptance Determinations
Whether performing monitoring activities on site or remotely, we can set up alarms that trigger at pre-set metrics (e.g. permit-stipulated NTUs, offshore dredged material placement boundaries), in order to rapidly inform necessary operational changes.
Lally LLC has monitored critical dredging performance on projects across sixteen 16 Time Zones (e.g. East Coast Standard Time – New Zealand Standard Time) and effectively motivated improvements to save clients tens of millions of dollars employing these methods.

Of benefit in dredge and marine construction project optimization efforts, but also at times later in claims matters and litigation, Lally LLC has developed the niche field of Dredging Forensics TM, whereby numerous equipment and project data sets are acquired, processed, synthesized and analyzed to determine hindcast performance and event information.
This unique offering takes different formats depending on several factors, is experience-based, and has proven to assist in resolving unknowns to save clients in excess of $100 million.
Our forensic analyses and hindcast tools have also proven valuable to contractors and project owners wanting to understand past performance more closely when tendering on recurring or similar project sites. We are knowledgeable in acquiring access to numerous public maritime databases and prior project results and maintain a significant repository of marine equipment and project databases.