Site Reconnaissance and Logistics
Agile. Resourceful. Thorough.
Assisting our clients embark on successful ventures is of central importance to Lally. Made to serve, our site reconnaissance and logistics work for Contractors, Owners, and Developers with interests in new project locations can involve pre-bid data acquisition, siting studies, resource coordination, mobilization support and other activities worldwide.
Our site reconnaissance experience includes the United States and Canada coast-to-coast, Alaska and Hawaii; Central and South America; Caribbean; Northern and Western Europe; and Oceania.
From our offices in North America, Europe and the Caribbean we offer;
- Project Planning
- Phase 1 Desk Study
- Site Selection Studies
- Rapid Deployment
- Field Investigations and Data Collection
- Geotechnical and Subsurface Investigations
- Sediment Coring and Surface Sampling
- Hydrographic and Geophysical Surveys
- Pre-Condition Surveys
- Remotely Operated Vehicles
- Underwater Video Mapping
- Aircraft Coordination Services
- International Customs for Marine Sediment and Rock
- Panama Canal and Suez Canal Transit Services
- Pre-Bid Meetings
- Project Teambuilding
- Vessels of Opportunity
- Staging Area Planning
- Disposal Area Planning
- Marine Equipment Sourcing
- Imported Materials Sourcing
- Subcontractor Identification and Specifications
- Joint Venture / Acquisition Research
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Labor Sourcing
- Site Management
- Shipping Logistics
- Security Coordination
- Environmental Baseline Monitoring
- Agency or Public Meeting Representation
- Meeting / Workshop Planning and Management
- Project Mobilization and Setup

Dredging and marine construction projects require, but don’t always receive, extensive preparation. A major opportunity we see for Contractors to reduce risks and realize performance gains and profitability, is in informing their planning through better understanding of site conditions. For over 30 years Lally has provided agile and discrete means of acquiring site information to successfully tender and plan marine projects.
Lally LLC personnel have completed hundreds of rapid deployment field investigations for contractors around the globe in order to build accurate and successful bids including;
- Hydrographic Surveys for Quantity Verification
- Geotechnical and Subsurface Investigations
- Site Photography and Videography
- Scout Staging Areas
- Disposal Area Investigation (Bunds, Pipeline Routes, Weirs)
- Marine Equipment Sourcing
- Imported Materials Sourcing
- Subcontractor Identification and Specifications
- Joint Venture / Acquisition Research
- Labor Sourcing
- Site Intelligence Acquisition
- Past Performance Data Acquisition
These services can be completed through site reconnaissance and field investigations, as well as desk studies, to bring better intelligence to the tender and pre-planning phases.
- Beach, Barrier Island and Wetland Restoration and Nourishment
- Channel Deepening, Widening and Maintenance
- Contaminated Sediment Removal and Capping
- Offshore Wind Farm Design, Layout & Turbine Selection
- Offshore and Coastal Site Assessment
- Berth Deepening and Maintenance
- Marina and Residential Dredging
- Reservoir Dredging
- Lagoon Dredging
- Offshore Mining
- Special Projects
- International
- Remote

With broad U.S.-based maritime experience, and an international network of dredging and marine contractors, stakeholders, technology suppliers, academics, and professional service firms, Lally LLC offers clients advantageous market intelligence and contracting support services as project opportunities start to come into focus.
One of the value-added services Lally LLC provides is Project Teambuilding. As former dredging contractors we have experience assembling teams consisting of prime contractors / joint-ventures, subcontractors, surveyors, environmental monitoring and other specialists for more complex projects. Examples include;
- Assisted a dredging contractor with site reconnaissance of large channel deepening project, CDF survey and weir improvements, discharge pipeline inspection, hydrographic surveyor, work vessel, and environmental monitoring subcontractors, and tender submittal to federal agency. With contract award, assembled subcontracts, and assisted with project mobilization.
- Performed multiple site reconnaissance and teambuilding trips at remote dredging site in the Caribbean involving removal of over 6 million m3 of sediment, confined disposal facility (CDF) improvements and long line pumping.
- Assisted a dredging and marine contractor enter the environmental remediation sector on one of the largest sediment cleanup projects ever undertaken valued in excess of $1 billion USD through teambuilding, site reconnaissance, tendering, work plan development, and multi-year project construction on site.
- Assisted a multinational soil washing contractor expand its North American footprint via partner introductions in the dredging, marine construction and A/E consultancy sectors.
- Assisted large A/E consultancy with site reconnaissance, staging area locations, technical approach, proposal development, subcontractor identification and negotiations, engineering design and construction oversight support for a large international sediment remediation project.
- Assisted an international contractor with planning and administration of a technical conference and demonstration.
- Partner with prime A/E consultancies at the request of Federal and State Government agencies to improve technical knowledge at several environmental restoration and coastal engineering projects.
- Numerous site reconnaissance assignments for different clients including U.S. and international marine contractors, A/E consultancies, federal regulatory agencies (i.e. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, USEPA), and NGOs.

While we are not shipping agents or canal transit brokers, Lally LLC personnel are experienced in coordinating the transport of marine vessels, survey and monitoring instruments, and other critical project equipment, around the globe.
As part of project engineering and construction planning efforts, we also have experience collecting ocean sediment samples at remote sites and transporting them properly to developed nations with state-of-the-art geotechnical laboratory facilities for standardized analysis and reporting.

From our offices in North America, Europe and the Caribbean, Lally LLC can support project mobilization and setup efforts as part of Contractor teams or as Owner’s representative.
We have extensive operations experience as dredging contractor and consulting engineer on the following project types;
- Beach, Barrier Island and Wetland Restoration and Nourishment
- Channel Deepening, Widening and Maintenance
- Contaminated Sediment Removal and Capping
- Berth Deepening and Maintenance
- Marina and Residential Dredging
- Reservoir Dredging
- Lagoon Dredging
- Offshore Mining
- Special Projects
- International
- Remote
, with the following equipment types;
- Hydraulic Cutterhead Dredges
- Hydraulic Dustpan Dredges
- Trailing Suction Hopper Dredges
- Derrick Barges
- Backhoe Dredges
- Precision Mechanical Excavator Dredging and Capping Platforms
- Hybrid Mechanical Excavator – Hydraulic Transport Dredges
- Sediment Processing
As part of project setup, we can also deliver installation of site survey control, vessels, electronic tide gages, tide staffs, and electronic dredge positioning, monitoring, machine learning, other leading-edge performance optimization systems. Training services on equipment and best practices for key performance areas such as production, accuracy, and environmental safeguarding are also offered.