Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Transect Survey

Lally LLC was subcontracted to perform an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) velocity transect survey on the Upper Columbia River during high free-flow conditions. The results of the ADCP transects, in conjunction with bathymetric data collection performed by the client, supported calibration and validation of numerical and physical hydrodynamic models for sediment transport analyses.

Based on site conditions and data requirements, Lally LLC employed a Teledyne RDI RiverRay model 600kHz ADCP, with custom over-the-side mount for the campaign. The ADCP survey provided velocity profile and discharge (Q) data in the river along cross channel transects lines varying in distance from approximately 60 meters (m) to 1200 m, in water depths up to 40 m. River velocities encountered were as high as 2 to 3 meters per second (m/s). The ADCP survey was conducted applying best practices and QA/QC measures established by the manufacturer and the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Following post-processing and further QA/QC procedures, the ADCP data, including position, water surface elevation, velocity components along each transect, discharge (Q) measurements, velocity contour plots, ship track / velocity vector plots, and measurement composite tables were compiled in a survey report and data package for the client.

Services Provided

Site Investigation

Equipment Setup, Bench-testing and Mobilization

Perform ADCP Velocity Profile Survey

Data Post-processing and Quality Assurance

Prepare ADCP Transect Survey Report and Data Package


U.S. Pacific Northwest