Fish, Habitat and Sediment Monitoring Programs

In support of Federal Section 10/404 permit requirements for installation and maintenance of a multi-faceted shoreline and aquatic habitat improvements project located in Puget Sound, Lally Consulting LLC was selected under a competitive proposal process and contracted to complete 10-year fish, habitat and sediment monitoring programs on behalf of the Owner. The key objectives of these stipulated programs were to inspect and document changes in habitat conditions and fish use in terms of salmonid spawning, emergence, migration, and rearing activities resulting from new shoreline, nearshore, and maintenance dredging activities implemented on site.

Lally LLC’s fisheries biologists, scientists, and coastal engineers performed the year-round surveys in compliance with monitoring plans as required by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe – Fisheries Division (MITFD). Specific work included;

All monitoring activities followed the protocols presented in the monitoring plans and were summarized with accompanying survey analyses and data infographics in annual reports submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Muckleshoot Indian Tribe – Fisheries Division.

Services Provided

Bathymetric Surveys and Sediment Transport Analyses

Fish Habitat Surveys

Coastal Structure Surveys

Spawning Reef Sediment / Gravel Sampling

Snorkel Surveys

Seine Surveys

Emergent Fry Trap Deployment

Annual Fish and Habitat Monitoring Reports and Data Infographics

Aquatic Habitat Maintenance Design


Washington, USA


2009 – 2020