MetOcean, Wave and Sediment Transport Engineering Study

Lally Consulting LLC (Lally LLC) was contracted to conduct wave and sediment transport studies in support of development of several shoreline restoration projects in Washington State.

Field data collection, analyses and synthesis were carried out by Lally LLC’s coastal engineering personnel in order to establish relevant site hydrodynamic forces and other parameters to engineer long‐term, nature-based coastal resiliency solutions. Work included:

We authored a peer-reviewed Wave and Sediment Transport Study as part of the permit application process which supported multiple permit acquisitions, and has since been requested by federal, state, tribal, consultants and other stakeholders for planning and design of other shoreline management and aquatic restoration sites in the region.

Services Provided

MetOcean Data Acquisition and Analyses

Multiple Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Deployments

Wave and Coastal Structures Modeling

Calculation of Sediment Budgets

Berth Maintenance Dredge Plan

Vessel Wake Analysis


Washington State, USA