U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts Beach Restoration Projects
Coastal Engineering Support Services

Through employments as consulting coastal engineer and dredging contractor, Lally has assisted numerous federal, municipal and private beach restoration, nourishment, shoreline reclamation and hurricane protection projects, primarily along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastlines. The projects typically involve mining of compatible sand from offshore or ebb shoal borrow areas by hydraulic cutterhead, dustpan, or trailing suction hopper dredges, with placement on shorelines in a controlled and productive manner to construct specified beach fill templates and alignments.

Lally has been involved with beach and wetland restoration projects since the late 1980’s and was one of the first coastal engineers to develop approaches for restoring coastal Louisiana’s rapidly eroding barrier islands. Project examples include;

Beach Restoration project work completed by Lally has included topographic, surf zone, and offshore bathymetric surveys; dredge production and cost estimating; establishing dredge cut depths and sequencing in borrow areas; determining workability windows based on MetOcean data analyses; calculating dredge and pay quantities; dredge engineering and optimization; beach restoration and nourishment project design; borrow source identification and sampling; plans and specifications development; federal, state and local permitting; project management and construction oversight.


Field Investigations

Topographic, Surf Zone, and Offshore Hydrographic Surveys

MetOcean Data Acquisition and Analyses

Shoreline Morphology Analyses

1D, 2D and 3D Numerical Wave and Sediment Transport Modeling

Borrow Area Identification, Geotechnical Sampling and Testing

Beach Restoration and Nourishment Fill Template Design

Contract Plans and Specifications Development

Procurement Support

Work Plan Development

Dredge Cut Sequencing

Dredge Workability Window Analyses

Environmental Monitoring

Calculate Dredge and Pay Quantities

Dredge Production and Cost Estimates

Project Management and Construction Oversight

Hydraulic and Mechanical Dredge Systems Engineering and Optimization


U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts


1989 – Present