USACE Beach Restoration Projects
Long Island, New York

Employed by the joint venture Bean-Weeks in the mid-1990’s, Lally served as project coastal engineer on multiple beach restoration projects executed with the Bean-designed, state-of-the-art 11,000 hp, 30-inch hydraulic dustpan dredge Beachbuilder.

During pre-construction phases, Lally contributed to detailed production and cost estimates for these federal contracts site reconnaissance and bid submittals. Once contracts were awarded to the JV, in the field Lally had responsibility for establishing dredge cut depths and sequence in offshore borrow areas, coordinated topographic and hydrographic surveys of the dredge and beach fill areas, calculated dredge and pay quantities, and served as liaison between the JV and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. On the Beachbuilder, Lally also performed ongoing efficiency studies in order to optimize production, worked with the operations team to make modifications when warranted, maintained stringent dredge tolerance requirements in the open ocean borrow area located up to 2 miles offshore, and assisted with beach fill surveys, and daily construction reports. With dredge production and beach fill rates often exceeding 100,000 cubic yards per day, the projects were accomplished under budget, and on schedule for the USACE.


Production and Cost Estimates

Topographic, Surf Zone and Hydrographic Surveys at Beach Fill and Borrow Areas

Compute Dredge and Pay Quantities

Dredge Performance Optimization



Long Island, New York