USACE Deep Draft Harbor Expansion Projects
Independent 3rd Party Technical Reviews

John Lally (Lally) has served in Civil Engineer and Hydraulic Engineer Subject Matter Expert (SME) roles on Independent External Peer Review (IEPR) panels for multiple major federal channel and harbor expansion projects on the U.S. East and West coasts.

As part of his work, Lally was requested to review and analyze project engineering and environmental investigations in over forty (40) technical reports related to channel navigation design, dredged materials management, dredging operations, ship navigation, and coastal engineering. Lally developed responses on over one hundred (100) technical charge questions, participated in meetings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and IEPR panel members, and contributed to development of panel reports for submittal to USACE District Project Delivery Teams and the USACE Civil Works Review Board.

Services Provided

Navigation Channel Design Analyses

Dredging Operations Planning Analyses

Offshore Placement, Upland Disposal, and Beneficial Use of Dredged Materials Analyses

Coastal Processes and Numerical Modeling Analyses

Respond to Technical Charge Questions

Independent Peer Team Deliberations


U.S. Atlantic and Pacific Deep-Draft Ports