USEPA New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site
Environmental Consulting Professional Services Subcontract

One of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA’s) largest cleanup sites, the 18,000-acre New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site (NBHSS) is an urban tidal estuary with sediments (formerly) contaminated with high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and heavy metals.

The United States Army Corps of Engineers – New England District (USACE) has been supporting USEPA on this project since the mid‐1980s with initial efforts focused on site investigations and feasibility studies, followed by on‐site pilot studies of dredges and dredged material disposal techniques. From 2004 to 2015, dredging, sediment dewatering and wastewater treatment activities for the mass removal of sediments, transport and disposal and related activities at the site were completed by a Remedial Action Contract (RAC) Contractor team.

Based on work on the New Bedford Pre-Design Field Test in 2000 and other EPA sediment remediation mega-sites, Lally Consulting LLC (Lally LLC) was requested by the USACE in 2015 to provide dredging and sediment remediation expertise to USACE, USEPA and their multidisciplinary RAC Contractor team for the cleanup of over 200 subtidal acres of PCB-contaminated sediment within the Upper and Lower Harbors of the NBHSS.

Under Environmental Consulting Services Contract W912WJ-12-D-0004, Lally LLC was subcontracted as Sediment Remediation Expert to contribute to the development of several planning, engineering and implementation efforts to move the site towards cleanup. Initially providing technical support on the project’s confirmatory sampling approach and cleanup strategy development, the scope of Lally LLC’s work was requested to expand to provide engineering design and operations technical expertise to the project team.

The scope expansion included design of precision mechanical dredging and capping technologies, components, and methods; remedial design guidance for dredging and capping; plans & specifications development; hydraulic and mechanical dredging performance reviews, optimizations, and best practices implementation; management unit development, sediment sampling and dredge prism design improvements; residuals management, construction oversight and quality control guidance; and other remedial design and operations technical support.

The work involved numerous meetings on site, at USACE-NAE headquarters and remotely, and work products submitted on an expedited basis. Lally LLC’s sediment remediation technical support services were requested on multiple remedial action contracts across the Lower and Upper Harbors, including foremost the Interim Remedial Action Contract (IRAC) for the removal and processing of the sediments from the Upper Harbor with the highest contamination levels, and the Best Value (BV) contract with disposal of less contaminated dredged material into the Lower Harbor Confined Aquatic Disposal CAD Cell (LHCC).

Specific work completed by Lally LLC for USACE and USEPA under this subcontract included;

Services Provided

Precision Contour Dredge Plan Design

Contract Plans and Specifications Development

Sediment Remediation Education and Guidance

Site Investigations

Sediment Sampling Program

Establish Dredging Performance Metrics

Dredge Equipment and Operations Improvements for Production, Accuracy and Cleanup Efficiency

Water Management

Contractor Negotiations

Capping Design Guidance

CAD Cell Management

Hydrodynamic Modeling


Massachusetts, USA


2015 – 2017

Lally Consulting LLC received an overall Exceptional rating for its work completed under this subcontract.

“ The USACE and EPA Project Team found Lally Consulting LLC’s expertise to be of great benefit to the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Project. His expertise was sought out to provide technical guidance on multiple dredging operations, sediment studies, and quality assurance support on dredging plans & specification development. ”
– United States Army Corps of Engineers – New England District, New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site Project Manager, 2016