USEPA New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site
Lower Harbor Remedial Dredge Plan Designs

Under Environmental Consulting Services Contract W912WJ-12-D-0004, Lally Consulting LLC (Lally LLC) was subcontracted as Sediment Remediation Expert to contribute to the development of several Planning, Design and Implementation efforts to move the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site (NBHSS) to cleanup. Initially providing technical support on the project’s confirmatory sampling approach and cleanup strategy development, the scope of Lally LLC’s work was expanded to provide engineering design and operations technical expertise within theNBHSS project team.

Leading the change from existing (2004-2015) ‘Z-Block’ dredging design approach to a Precision Contour Dredge methodology, Lally LLC was requested by USACE to develop several sets of dredge plans for the NBHSS Lower Harbor Remedial Dredging contract with dredge material disposal in the Lower Harbor CAD Cell (LHCC) using existing bathymetric, and chemical analytical data.

Lally LLC developed contour dredging plans, cross section drawings, and electronic dredge prism files for numerous dredge management units, reviewed with the Contractor, and worked with the USACE oversight personnel to ensure the work was completed efficiently to achieve remedial action levels with best value.

Services Provided

Contract Plans and Specifications Development

Precision Contour Dredge Plan Design and Guidance

Electronic Dredge Prism File Development

Contractor Coordination

Quality Assurance


Massachusetts, USA


2017 – 2018

Lally Consulting LLC received an overall Exceptional rating from the USACE – New England District on the work completed under this subcontract.