USEPA Superfund Mega-Site
Capping Technical Oversight Contract

Under Department of Defense Contract W912WJ-20-P-0071, Lally Consulting LLC (Lally LLC) was tasked by USACE – New England District (USACE) and United States Environmental Protection Agency – Region 1 (USEPA) to conduct independent technical oversight on the installation of seven (7) subaqueous caps within the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site. Further, Lally LLC developed the cap designs and precision cap placement approach to be implemented under prior contract W912WJ-18-C-0003.

This technical oversight contract involved monitoring RAC contractor capping quality and progress via progress survey data, video, EPS telemetry, and other data, participating in weekly capping conference calls and providing guidance on cap construction, design and repair elements. Lally LLC was also tasked by the USACE with making assessment of contractor acceptance area requests, which involved rapid data review, production of analysis graphics and cap thickness statistics, along with our recommendations to accept or improve the engineered caps.

Lally LLC identified and monitored construction concerns related to capping production and placement control over the duration of construction, and guided improvements when needed. The subaqueous caps were ultimately completed within schedule and budget.

Capping Technical Oversight Services performed by Lally LLC under this contract included;

Services Provided

Engineered Cap Design

Capping Placement Equipment and Methodology

Field Services

Construction Oversight


Massachusetts, USA


2019 – 2020

For its work under USACE Contract W912WJ-18-C-0003, Lally Consulting LLC was nominated by the NBHSS Project Leadership and selected by an awards panel of EPA representatives from across the Agency as the 2020 national recipient of the USEPA Administrator’s Award for Outstanding Accomplishments by a Small Business Contractor.